Image via Banksy
The British artist/graffiti master/filmmaker/activist/painter and loveable radical supplied a picture of himself with a paper bag (recyclable, naturally) over his head - why? Because most (almost all) of us don’t really know who he is?
Banksy is a mysterious street artist originally from the UK, who has created some of the most prolific and recognizable artwork across the globe. Banksy is renowned for his well-crafted, thoughtful and though-provoking pieces, which incorporate dark humor with intriguing, social and political messages.
His cleverly designed images have a strong, iconic, and unmistakable visual appeal; often provoking questions amongst viewers. Banksy's undeniable talent has placed him in an esteemed class of modern street art, where he remains one of the major drawing cards for curious spectators looking to be inspired by original street art. Banksy continues to awe audiences with his vibrancy and wit delivered through his unique medium of expression.
Image via Banksy
Image via Banksy
Image via Banksy